C'era due volte Gianni Rodari


C’era due volte Gianni Rodari

In occasion of the 100th anniversary of Gianni Rodari’s birth, Sky Arte brought together a pool of talented creatives to narrate the least known side of the Italian author and retrace the psychological and artistic growth of Rodari.

Through a unique collaboration between the personality of Neri Marcoré and the music of Rodrigo D’Erasmo, the figure of the author came to life before our eyes.

This photographic reportage is developed as a tale parallel to the documentary produced and animated by the talents of TIWI Studio.

Portrait of Gianni Rodari. The desk I.

Portrait of Gianni Rodari. The desk I.

Portrait of Gianni Rodari. The desk II.

Portrait of Gianni Rodari. The desk II.

Portrait of Gianni Rodari. The desk III.

Portrait of Gianni Rodari. The desk III.



Neri Marcoré: on the love for culture.



Rodrigo D’Erasmo: on the love for symphony.


The framework: set design

A fundamental part of the project is set design: the whole scenery has been hand cut by Matteo Capobianco, scenographer and multimedia artist, to reproduce both urban and rural landscapes.

Early morning: as the sun comes up, the set designer mounts the scenery.

Early morning: as the sun comes up, the set designer mounts the scenery.

The set designer unrolls additional layers.

The set designer unrolls additional layers.

The set designer makes sure the various layers of the scenery are aligned.

The set designer makes sure the various layers of the scenery are aligned.

The author as a stand-in, to plan where Neri Marcoré should be placed on set.

The author as a stand-in, to plan where Neri Marcoré should be placed on set.

The lights are ready: it is time for the set designer to fix the last details.

The lights are ready: it is time for the set designer to fix the last details.

The director instructs riggers on how to position the various props on set.

The director instructs riggers on how to position the various props on set.


p.s. some fun. purposely tiny. excessively tiny. a tiny prank.
